By The Second:

Our Easter Green Egg Sandwich

If the Easter bunny left you a big basket of eggs this season and you’ve been cracking your head trying to figure out what to do with them … we have just the recipe that would probably take your head-egg away.


3 eggs
0.5 cup diced cucumber
0.5 cup cherry tomatoes
1 avocado 
1 slice of orange / lemon
1 tablespoon whole grain mustard
1 teaspoon ground cumin
alfafa or any greens of your choice

a loaf of bread (we used a baguette)

We used avocadoes instead of mayonnaise or yogurt in this recipe as a healthy alternative. Feel free to change up the toppings as you wish!





Bring a pot of water to a boil and carefully put in the eggs and boil for 9 minutes


Drain the eggs and put them into ice cold water or alternatively, run them under the sink to cool them


Peel the eggs when cooled and place them in a medium bowl



Egg-cellent Tip!
By cooling them down straight away, the eggs separates from the membrane making it much easier to peel.





 Cut the avocado into squares and scoop them in a bowl


Using a fork, mash them up to a paste


Squeeze a slice of orange or lemon to keep
avocado from browning

Egg-cellent Tip!
Use an orange instead of a lemon so you can eat the rest for dessert





Dice the cucumber into small squares
and cut the tomatoes into slices


Add cumin and mustard to the bowl of eggs


Using a fork, rough cut the eggs into big chunks



Add the egg mixture and diced cucumbers to the mashed avocado


Mix them all together, leaving chunks of eggs visible


Add salt and pepper to taste






Apply mustard onto both sides of sliced bread


Add greens, egg salad, and tomatoes


There you have it! A simple and delicious egg sandwich — best enjoyed with a cup of tea and a good playlist. Let us know if you give it a go!

Recipe contributed by Cheryl R.

 #OurSecondNature #ByTheSecond