By The Second:

Tomato Soup Recipe


Soup is second to none when it comes to a quick pick-me-up. For us, the perfect soup recipe boils down to this: it should be as easy to prepare as it is tasty.

So we sifted through the Internet in search of the perfect Tomato Soup recipe. We found a long list, narrowed it down, tested three recipes … before we decided on this one. Out of all the recipes, this ‘Easy Tomato Soup’ recipe gets our vote.

We spent two afternoons in the kitchen, swapping our drawing boards and keyboards for the cutting board to cook up a soup storm. Here’s how you can do the same.



1 large onion, chopped
48 oz canned tomatoes*, whole peeled or diced
150g unsalted butter
½ cup thickened whipping cream
Salt, black pepper, olive oil, a sprig of fresh basil (to garnish)

Large pot
Blender (we used an immersion blender)

*you can swap out canned tomatoes for ~7 fresh ones,
but we prefer the taste of canned tomatoes in the soup!




1/ Add butter, chopped onion and a pinch of salt in a large pot over very low heat. Cover pan with lid and leave onions to cook for 30 mins or until soft and translucent.

You’ll get a beautiful aroma around the 15 min mark (it’s one of our favourites, ever).



2/  Pour in tomatoes along with their juices. Increase heat, and leave to simmer for 25 minutes.



3/  Using a blender, stir the soup until smooth, slowly adding cream as you go along. Add salt to taste (we added about 1.75 tbsp!)



4/  For a nice touch, serve with a drizzle of olive oil, sprinkle some cracked black pepper and top it off with fresh basil leaves as garnish.



We had a lot of fun with the recipe; it was simple yet soup-er good. This makes for such a great bonding activity too (our friends and sisters joined in on the two occasions — highly recommend). We also curated a playlist to accompany our time in the kitchen. We’d love to share it with you:


Spotify: Our SecondNature | Playlist: Soup


Hoping you’ll enjoy cooking, serving and sipping on this soup as much as we did. If you’ve tried it, share with us — we’d love to know!



#OurSecondNature #ByTheSecond