I came across this project and now book called Dear Data, where two friends sent postcards to each other every week for a year. Each week, they set a theme to document data in their lives. It ranged from simple things like how many times they looked at a clock, to the types of emotions they were feeling that week, in a bid to analyze their habits and understand the reasons for their actions. They then presented it in really cool graphic visuals (no boring graphics or charts thank you very much). You have to check it out.

Much like the Dear Data project, this print reminded me of a map of all the milestones in our lives — the coloured specks representing the high points and little victories, like when you did something nice for someone or finally graduated from school. While the grey specks represent all the bad days and not so great moments, like the time you were late for work and got scolded by your boss. We all have them.

What I’m trying to say is, though the number of dull moments seem abundant and never-ending at times, in the grand scheme of things, when you take a step back, you’ll see that the good moments shine brighter than all your bad days combined.
With this, I wanted to leave you with a (handy dandy) notebook – to capture your musings, the small thoughts you have between big tasks, that seem like nothing at the time but may amount to more one day. (We’re giving these notebooks out from now till our next collection, while stocks last. )

May this print and notebook duo remind you to count your blessings, and rejoice in your small achievements. As they say, day by day nothing seems to change, but when you look back everything is different. Life is pretty great, don’t you think?

#OurSecondNature #BehindThePrint
Emily says
Reading this makes me feel inspired.
I like this collection for the print, colours.