Behind The Print:


Here’s a story behind the name Birthstone.

I had thought about what to call this print for quite some time, and it wasn’t until New Year’s day that it all came together. The print started off looking like fruit drops, and for the longest time we referred to one of the dresses as the “confetti dress”. Can you guess which? Somehow, these names didn’t click and I knew I had to dig deeper. I took a look at the print again, and really stared at it up close, paying attention to the colour and detail that went into each shape. Much like the textural inconsistencies that were perfectly imperfect on the print, I started to think of galaxies and constellations, and raw untreated minerals and gemstones. I looked up gemology on the net, and along this train of thought, I hit gold!

Now that it’s February and we’re getting into the real rhythm of the year, I’d like to share this note a friend had shared with me earlier. It reads:

When you start to feel
like things should have
been better this year,
remember the mountains and valleys
that got you here.
they are not accidents,
and those moments weren’t in vain.
you are not the same
you have grown and you are growing
you are breathing, you are living.
you are wrapped in
and things will get better
there is more to you than yesterday.

Morgan Harper Nichols

By now, you probably know which resolutions have been working out for you, and which have been a bit of a failure (be honest!). In any case, I hope this note gives you the same encouragement it gave me. In the grand scheme of things, it’s the small adjustments we make on a daily basis that make the difference. So with this print Birthstone, I’m wishing you more baby steps, small successes, and renewed energy – there is more to you than yesterday.


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