Hi! How have you been? It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the year and onto our fourth print. It’s crazy! I know.
When I was planning for this collection, I was at the same time receiving a lot of support through the number of you who’ve been so generous with your time, writing in wanting to find ways to collaborate or to just drop us a kind message. It made me think back about my past experiences, and how it was not easy to find people I could truly connect with – people with the same interests, the same work ethic, or the same way of looking at life. Since the start of Our Second Nature though, I’ve discovered that the world is smaller than it seems, and there are people more alike than different.

With this, I’d like to dedicate this print Wavelength to all of you, to good conversation and to new friendships. To celebrate, I’ve compiled a list of the songs I’ve been enjoying into a playlist for you, so we can listen to it together. They are a mix of some summery tunes and mellow vibes; have a listen and let me know what you think? It’d be so nice if you could share with me what your favourite songs are, and maybe I can include them in the playlist too!
Here it is. To fill any space you’re in, and any space between us.

Spotify: Our SecondNature | Playlist: Our Wavelength
(Just to share, Spotify has a new code scanning function which is pretty neat. All you have to do is open your Spotify mobile app (make sure it’s updated), click Search, click on the camera icon on the top right and scan the code.)

Also, have you been reading this from the beginning? I’d love to hear back from you – just how you’ve been, have you picked up any new hobbies this year? If you scroll down below, you’d notice that we’ve worked on a new comment system, please feel free to say hi! All comments will be first seen by me in the admin panel, so if you’d like to remain anonymous and not have it featured below, that’s fine too. Looking forward to meeting you!
#OurSecondNature #BehindThePrint #InTuneWithOSN
rach says
Reading this makes me feel at ease.
I like this collection for the print, cutting.
Off topic my favourite song is bumper cars by alex & sierra (& all their covers on xfactor!)
i love OSN for all its clean lines and unique prints! unfortunately, ive followed you guys one step too late though, please bring back the wildflower kimono, that’s my fav from that line but i cant find it anywhere!
Sabrina.C says
Reading this makes me feel inspired.
I like this collection for the print, colours.
Off topic, my favourite song is Just like a Star by Corrine Bailey.
I’m just going through all your journal, a newbie to OSN! But would like to own one soon since what I would like is OFS! Do what you do best and it is really inspiring, I love arts and music. Recent hobby is planting! 🙂